Words: Integrated Decoding and Spelling Instruction Based on
Word Origin and Word Structure Kit
Closer Reading, Grades 3-6:
Better Prep, Smarter Lessons, Deeper Comprehension
What makes Closer Reading such a have-to-have resource? Nancy Boyles knows full well that we’ll never realize the promise of close reading unless we figure out where it fits in with
existing literacy practices. So she magnifies all the planning that goes into powerful close reading lessons, while providing a wide-angle lens to answer our biggest questions—top among them how
close reading relates to text complexity and strategic reading comprehension.
Words Their Way:
Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction (6th Edition)
Building on its best-selling approach, this edition of Words Their Way continues the phenomenon that has helped thousands of children improve their literacy skills. The keys to this
successful, research-based approach are to know your students’ literacy progress, organize for instruction, and implement word study. This Sixth Edition lists the Common Core State Standards for each
activity, and features enhanced discussions, activities, and content.